
english convesation! (tryal vision)

xem thu coi co dc ko con chinh lai, a chi lam theo y minh ko bit co suitable for you ko??chut chut moa 

The Situation (tình huống)
3 character: The leader of story (người dẫn truyện)
                      The pupil(Thuong)
                      The Vietnamese resident (Vietnamese in a foreign country)(Linh)(Việt kiều)  

The leader of story:
I am a pupil in a secondary school, in my free time in Sunday i took part in a English communication club in Young activity center to pratice English skill.
It is not only the chance to be pratice listen, talk fluently I also have many new friend, not expel the foreign people. 
Specialy one of new friend is a Vietnamese in a foreign country, her parent lelf Viet Nam many year ago and she was born in USA. Now she is a freshman in North-califonia university, This is the first time she came back Viet Nam in her volunteer programme and she is a volunteer teacher.

Thuong(T): hello, Linh 
Linh(L): hi Thuong ,how are you today, ? is this a free Sunday?
P: hi, I don’t think so, Sunday always a most busy day, I so busy with the extra class about math, literature, chemical, physis and that is the reason why I am here to relax. how about you? 
L: uh, not good, weather isnot suitable for me, so hot, I always drink water, but I mnot feeling better.
P: sure, I don’t like the weather in hue too, sometime so hot, sometime rain a lot, people told that the weather in hue like the chacrater of Hue girl, always change, rainy and sunny^ Where was you visit in Hue?
L: uh, citadel, Minh Mang tomb, tu duc tomb, khai dinh tomb,Dong ba maker, that ‘s all
P: aha. Next week my parent have a plant take me to my gramparent house in the countryside to relax,I m very interesting with this information.
L: sure,that ‘s great. I never have been there. I wish I ‘ll be there 
P: no problem, if you want you can go with me, my parent will be please when they meet you.
L: realy, I can go with you. That is great, i can’t believe
P: of course, I ‘m promise you, I will call you next weekend.ok?

The leader of story:
As the promise, next weekend, in the trip to country, linh goes with thuong to countryside! Everything is too new with peason the first time come back Viet Nam

L: this is the first time I am here.in USA I watched a lot about viet nam but I can imagine VietNam is beautiful like that. It is very large, cool air with green field.
T: that ‘s right, that ‘s reason why I ‘m like come here very much, when I study hard, feel stress, the air in countryside very fresh, and well for healthy.
L: I m agree with you, waittt.what is this? What ‘s kind of animal? 
T: aha, that is Buffalo, The farmer use it for his work. It is very useful
L: How ‘s imagine! I can take some picture
T: of course ,
L: that ‘s so beautiful view 
T: uuuh.Do you want to go fishing by boat.?
L: realy, I like it very much, but I cant swim
T: haha, no problem, 
L: sure?
T: This afternoon we are going to green field to play,ok?we can take a lot of picture there , and if we have time , we can go to the beach to swim ? how do you think about?
L: great. I like all of it, let s me feeling all of thing in the countryside, now I love this country so much I wish I came back Viet Nam to live. Anyway, this is my father-land.I m a VietNamese.

The leader of story:

We go to everywhere in this countryside, and feel very happy, we wish have more time to play. Everything in countryside is very great. We wish be here forever./.^^

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